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First Post!

Hello world!

Let me start by saying thank you for coming to my website! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Alexander Grigg. I'm an LGBTQ+ writer of color, Dungeons & Dragons enthusiast, and lover for all things story-telling. This is my personal blog where I will post about my journey of writing, editing, and publishing my children's books. You can expect a down-to-earth, honest to God journey of what it is like going from ground zero to hopefully a successful writing career. So stick around, grab a tub of popcorn, and follow me on twitter at where you can see when I've made a new post. As I continue to establish the nitty-gritty bits of this website, I'll eventually include a newsletter that you can sign up so you never miss a post! Until then, thank you again for your time! In the words of the wonderful Mathew Mercer, "Don't forget to love each other."

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