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August Update!

Hey everyone! Happy August!

It has been a while since we've posted an update. Summer has been incredibly busy for us, with our workload, writing, and agent request we needed some time to take care of ourselves. Now we're back and still looking for representation, but we've got news to share.

As it is with most first time authors, the past couple of month have been filled with rejection letters (17 in fact). Apparently that isn't a lot as some authors receive dozens upon dozens, so we're taking this in stride. Because of the wonderful critiques and reviews by fellow peers and agents, the Taio & Regit manuscript is stronger than ever! Now, we are focusing on nailing down the final draft of Skullcat and a new manuscript currently in development called RUMBLESAUR.

However, we did get a stroke of luck! On August 1st, my sister and I participated in this years DVPit, and would you know it we had some takers! We took some time to ensure everything was absolutely perfect; manuscript, grammar, query letter, everything. Now, it's just a waiting game to see if these agents want to see more. We're crossing our fingers and hoping for the best.

As I said before, this summer had us incredibly busy, but now that things have calmed down, we're back to giving your updates on our publishing journey. Stay safe out there, it's gonna be a hot month!

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