My name is Alexander Grigg, I'm a children's book and young adult author with a Business Communications degree from Brigham Young University. I've been writing stories since I was seven years old and recently became represented by Leah Pierre of Ladderbird Literary. When I'm not writing my books you can find me practicing martial arts, swimming in my local pool, or serving as the game master for a Dungeons & Dragons game. Let's get connected!
About The Illustrator
Unfortunately for me, I cannot draw a picture to save my life. Thankfully though I have been blessed by having the amazing Abigail Jacoby-Grigg as my older sister. Abigail Jacoby is a professional illustrator who graduated from BYU with a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts. Since graduating she has worked in the video game industry as a concept artist where she has worked with big brand companies such as Disney, Pokemon, Nickelodeon, and Poptropica. She is currently on her own publishing journey to become a graphic novelist. You can view her work by following her on social media and visiting her website.